Literature Review on the Implementation of Integrated Learning in Bireuen 4 Primary School

  • Kiki Fajariani Universitas Almuslim
Keywords: Integrated learning, elementary education, interdisciplinary skills, implementation challenges, school leadership


Integrated learning has become a prominent approach in elementary education, aiming to provide students with a holistic understanding of various subjects. This literature review examines the implementation of integrated learning at SD 4 Bireuen. The findings suggest that integrated learning positively impacts students' understanding of learning materials and fosters interdisciplinary skills development. However, challenges such as insufficient teacher training and support hinder its effective implementation. The role of school principals is crucial in facilitating integrated learning practices. Despite its potential benefits, concerted efforts from various stakeholders are necessary to overcome implementation challenges and enhance the effectiveness of integrated learning at SD 4 Bireuen.


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How to Cite
Kiki Fajariani. (2024). Literature Review on the Implementation of Integrated Learning in Bireuen 4 Primary School. Journal Informatic, Education and Management (JIEM), 6(2), 70-73.